Sibling Rivalry and How to Deal With It

Alex Ortiz
4 min readJan 17, 2024


By: Alex Ortiz

Introduction: Understanding the Nature of Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon that occurs within many families. It is the intense competition, jealousy, and conflict that can arise between siblings. Whether it’s vying for attention, resources, or parental approval, sibling rivalry can have a significant impact on the dynamics of a household and the overall well-being of the children involved.

Understanding the underlying causes and effects of sibling rivalry is crucial for parents and caregivers to effectively manage and foster positive sibling relationships. In this article, we will delve into the nature of sibling rivalry, explore the factors that contribute to it, discuss its impact on children’s development, and provide effective strategies for dealing with and minimizing sibling rivalry.

Understanding the Nature of Sibling Rivalry

Definition of Sibling Rivalry: Competition between siblings that often leads to a negative outcome.

Common Causes of Sibling Rivalry: Life circumstances, trauma, & lack of information.

Factors Contributing to Sibling Rivalry: Age, Gender, and Family Dynamics

Impact of Age Difference on Sibling Relationships: i.e perceived favoritism because of age.

Influence of Gender on Sibling Dynamics: Gender might play a role in the treatment of one child and the treatment of another.

Role of Family Structure and Dynamics: Sibling rivalry expands to any dynamics that can change the relationship.

The Impact of Sibling Rivalry on Children’s Development and Well-being

Effects on Emotional and Social Development: Future relationships outside the family will have a lesser chance of success.

Implications for Self-esteem and Identity: Sibling rivalry can affect personal outlook and viewpoint of oneself.

Effective Strategies for Managing Sibling Rivalry: Communication and Conflict Resolution

Importance of Open and Honest Communication: Talking things out can prevent future rivalry between siblings.

Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills: Taking things step by step slowly can resolve issues.

Promoting Positive Sibling Relationships: Building Empathy and Cooperation

Encouraging Empathy and Understanding: A little understanding can go a long way.

Promoting Cooperation and Collaboration: Weekly meetings can improve overall mental health.

Parental Role in Dealing with Sibling Rivalry: Setting Boundaries and Providing Individual Attention

Establishing Clear Rules and Boundaries: This can help a relationship stay healthy.

Importance of Individual Time and Attention: Treating everyone according to their needs helps keep the environment placid.

Addressing Sibling Rivalry in Different Age Groups: Toddlers, School-Aged Children, and Adolescents

Managing Sibling Rivalry in Toddlers: This stage usually sets the stage for future rivalries.

Dealing with Sibling Rivalry in School-Aged Children: This can happen more frequently because of added pressure of surroundings.

Navigating Sibling Rivalry in Adolescents: Having a chart can help also having a conversation can help.

Nurturing Healthy Sibling Bonds helps in Reducing Rivalry.

For instance we all see two siblings or family members who for some reason have mostly negative interactions. In these cases it’s always best to immediately separate them and make sure they do not interact for a while; reason being separation makes the heart grow fonder.

Point being you can use many tactics to find a solution but it’s always best to take your time. Future interactions between siblings will always have its bad and good, the best thing to remember is to have a point system… that way you keep track of what’s going on and who is the main colporate.


Let me know what are your thoughts on this topic? As usual any dynamics that include relationships are tedious and off putting. We all have seen or have been in a sibling rivalry that caused a behavior shift; this situation goes as far as personal relationships outside of the family or erratic outburst that can land us in a peculiar situation. We all have the bad child, the favorite child, the quiet child, and the weird child.

Now when we reach adulthood we see the same traits in school and at work. If you notice throughout life you see the same dynamic everywhere, the same type of personalities you saw as a child in your family. If you are confused on what type of person you are, ask yourself how happy your family members are to hear from you; also you can place a camera very high and once a week check on it to see what kind of behavior you have. Feel free to comment any questions or concerns you have, have a great day see you soon.



Alex Ortiz

Hello my name is Alex. I write informational and helpful content as a Nutritionist.