How Tom and Margie survived 40 years in a box as a couple

Alex Ortiz
4 min readJan 28, 2024


By: Alex Ortiz

Introduction: A Unique Love Story Begins

Love stories come in all shapes and sizes, but none quite like the extraordinary tale of Tom and Margie. Their journey began in an unexpected way, leading them down a path that would challenge societal norms and push the boundaries of what it means to live a fulfilling life. In this article, we delve into the remarkable story of how Tom and Margie met and embarked on a forty-year adventure, choosing to live in a box — a symbol of their unconventional love, resilience, and determination. Join us as we unravel the secrets of their enduring relationship and discover the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

A Unique Love Story Begins

Picture this: a bustling coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, and the clinking of cups and saucers filling the background. It was in this seemingly ordinary setting that Tom and Margie’s extraordinary love story began. It was a crisp autumn morning when their paths first crossed. Tom, engrossed in a book, accidentally spilled his hot cup of joe all over Margie’s lap. Talk about a meet-cute!

Childhood and Background

Tom grew up in a small town, spending his days exploring the great outdoors and dreaming of grand adventures. Margie, on the other hand, hailed from the bustling city, where she honed her sharp wit and developed a love for art and culture. Their childhoods couldn’t have been more different, but somehow, fate had decided to intertwine their paths.

The Path to Cross

It wasn’t until their college years that Tom and Margie’s paths finally collided. They found themselves in the same literature class, a subject they both passionately adored. From heated debates about classic novels to late-night study sessions, their friendship grew stronger by the day. Little did they know that this friendship would eventually blossom into a love that would withstand the test of time.

Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle

Tom and Margie were never ones to follow the crowd. They had always marched to the beat of their own drum, unafraid to challenge societal norms. So, when the minimalist movement gained popularity, it was an easy choice for them to embrace this lifestyle. They realized that material possessions didn’t bring them true happiness; instead, it was the experiences and connections they formed along the way.

The Decision to Live in a Box

Inspired by their love for sustainability and adventure, Tom and Margie made a bold decision: they would construct their own tiny home inside an old shipping container. With resourcefulness and creativity, they transformed the steel box into a cozy haven that reflected their unique personalities. Friends and family were skeptical at first, but Tom and Margie knew deep down that they had found their perfect abode.

Overcoming Financial Obstacles

Facing financial hurdles was no walk in the park for Tom and Margie. Living in a box, they had to be resourceful with their finances and make sacrifices to stay afloat. But their love and determination carried them through the toughest times. They found solace in each other’s company and reminded themselves that the greatest riches in life couldn’t be measured in dollars and cents.

And so, forty years later, Tom and Margie continue to defy expectations and live life on their own terms. Their love story serves as a reminder that the key to a happy and fulfilling life lies not in the grand gestures, but in the moments shared with the ones we hold dear.

Communication and Trust

Communication is key, they say. And Tom and Margie definitely took this advice to heart. From the very beginning, they made it a point to talk openly and honestly with each other about their thoughts, feelings, and desires. They listened to each other without judgment and built a foundation of trust that allowed them to navigate through any challenges that came their way.

Lessons Learned: Patience and Resilience

Forty years in a box is no walk in the park (unless you count the time they went hiking in the park). Tom and Margie quickly realized that life is full of ups and downs, but what truly matters is how you navigate through the tough times. They learned to be patient with each other and with life itself. They also developed a resilience that allowed them to bounce back from setbacks, knowing that together they could conquer anything.

Prioritizing Experiences over Material Possessions

Tom and Margie have never been big on material possessions. Instead, they focused on creating memories and collecting experiences. They believed that a life well-lived is not measured by the things you own but by the moments you cherish. So, instead of spending money on fancy cars or the latest gadgets, they invested in travel, shared adventures, and spontaneous road trips. Their philosophy of prioritizing experiences over material possessions has brought them a lifetime of joy and fulfillment.

Memories of a Lifetime

Forty years in a box is a milestone worth celebrating. Tom and Margie cherish the countless memories they have created together. From the time they got lost in a foreign city to the hilarious mishaps during their camping trips, these memories have become the glue that holds their relationship together. They enjoy reminiscing about their adventures, laughing at the mishaps, and feeling grateful for all the moments they’ve shared.

Inspiring Others: Tom and Margie’s Legacy

Tom and Margie believe that their story can inspire others to live life on their own terms. They want to show people that happiness and fulfillment can be found in the simplest of things and that love knows no boundaries. They share their experiences and lessons learned, hoping to ignite a spark in others to chase their own dreams and embrace a life filled with love, adventure, and meaningful connections.



Alex Ortiz

Hello my name is Alex. I write informational and helpful content as a Nutritionist.